Understanding the Investment Outlook for Precious Metals

The investment outlook for precious metals is still quite good, considering where the economy stands. Even though the economy may be vastly improved since what people termed the Great Recession ended, which took place between 2007 and 2012, there are still hurdles to overcome before the economy is fully recovered. This is largely what makes Read more


Investing in Precious Metals as a Financial Alternative

There has been a lot of fear surrounding investors ever since the world economy crashing. During both a housing and banking crisis there were several markets that were harshly affected, which forced investors to think of where to place their investments outside of the stock market. Investing is important because it is not just a Read more


The Future of Coin Investing

While coin collecting has been a popular hobby for several years now, it is becoming an equally popular investment option. Some collectors do not realize they are actually investing in their future, while others have been doing it for so long that they never considered doing it for monetary profit. The newer school of coin Read more


Rare Gold Coins

Acquiring gold coins is easy to do, but unless you have an endless supply of money and are acquiring them purely for the enjoyment of doing so (that is, you are not considering them an investment when you acquire them), you should do some research before diving right in. Before you acquire your first few Read more


Determinant Factors for Gold and Precious Metal Prices

For much of human history the most praiseworthy achievements of man were recognized with decorations, trophies and medals made from gold. It is very easy to understand why. The lustrous yellow metal has always been cherished by people from every culture on earth. Gold holds a venerated place in our society as a symbol of Read more