Interest Rate Vesus Property Investment Strategy

The Interest Rate Investment Strategy In reality, interest rate investment and property investment field are almost completely opposite investment strategies. But there is still a lot of mistaking that interest rate and property investment is almost the same. The interest rate investment strategy is more to short-term profit making. This is because the  cash-flow strategy Read more


The Property Itself Can Help Finance Your Purchase

Every property has worth. The value lies not only in the actual value of the house and land itself, but in other areas as well. Trees and mineral rights may have cash value. A vacant lot next door or furniture left on the property may also provide a source for cash. Online valuation services, and Read more


Never Hold Real Estate In A C Corporation

Or: Fire the professional who even suggests such a thing. One of the cardinal sins of real estate asset protection is to take title in the name of a C corporation. While there are certainly advantages to using a C corporation in business (which are discussed in my Rich Dad’s Advisor book Own Your Own Read more


The Seller Can Help You Finance Your Purchase!

One of the most obvious sources for funding to consider when purchasing a property is the owner. After all, who has a more vested interest in seeing that a sale occurs? The seller is the person who will answer either yes or no when you ask, “Are you open to financing arrangements?” or “Are you Read more


Step No. 1: Your Tax Lien Strategy

So there are two possible outcomes of investing in a tax lien. First, and most likely, is the outcome that you will earn interest at a stated rate that can be as high as 18 percent. The other possible outcome is that the lien is never paid off (redeemed) and you get the property. These Read more