Precious Metals Investing

Have you heard about precious metals investing lately? Well, you don’t have to go very far to see or hear the advertisements about gold never losing its value or being worth zero or paper money being passé. With the turbulent economy in the United States and around the world, these metals have never been more Read more


Investing in Gold and Silver to Hedge against Inflation and Store Wealth

There are significant advantages to investing in gold and silver that are unlike any other trading options available. Silver and gold bars have quickly emerged as two of the most popular ways to invest because of their convenience to store, and because of lightweight transportability. Because both gold and silver bars are sold in varying Read more


Investing in Precious Metals in an IRA

Most people who have built up any kind of financial assets and savings have, at one point or another, come across the term IRA, or individual retirement account. This tool represents the modern ability, and legal tax shelter, for average consumers to save extra funds for retirement not associated with an employment retirement account. As Read more


How to Invest in Monaco Rare Coins

Making the decision to invest in rare gold and silver coins is a slightly different form of collecting than those who collect coins as a hobby. When you begin collecting coins as a form of investment, you’re going to be interested in coins with different attributes than the hobbyist collector. For example, an investor may Read more


The Future of the Precious Metal Market

With the beginning of a new year comes new speculation about the gold, silver, palladium and platinum markets. The coming fiscal cliff, mining strikes in South Africa, the exponential growth of the Asian market and fluctuating demand in the industrial sector will have great impact on the future of precious metal investment portfolios in the Read more


The Property Itself Can Help Finance Your Purchase

Every property has worth. The value lies not only in the actual value of the house and land itself, but in other areas as well. Trees and mineral rights may have cash value. A vacant lot next door or furniture left on the property may also provide a source for cash. Online valuation services, and Read more


The Seller Can Help You Finance Your Purchase!

One of the most obvious sources for funding to consider when purchasing a property is the owner. After all, who has a more vested interest in seeing that a sale occurs? The seller is the person who will answer either yes or no when you ask, “Are you open to financing arrangements?” or “Are you Read more